FECC Family News
September 18, 2016
1. 2016 FECA Joint Missions Conference will explore the theme of “Empowered by the Spirit, Witnessing Christ Locally and Beyond.” Jason Kerner will be speaking to the youth, collegians and young adults on 9/30 (Fri) and 10/2 (Sun). Mun Heng Au Yong and Henry Lu will be the plenary speakers for the English and Chinese congregations, respectively, on 10/7 to 10/9. Special children’s program will be available as well. Please see today’s bulletin insert for details on meeting times, venues, and workshops offered.
2. Because of his family needs, Ken Chang has resigned from the Board of Directors as of 9/1/16. Terry Lim has been elected to fill in the vacated chair position till the end of the year.
3. Please remember the Cantonese pastoral search committee as it continues to find a suitable shepherd for the Cantonese congregation. If you have any suggestions, contact committee chair, Kei-fung Lau at [email protected].
4. Board of Deacons will be holding a joint meeting this afternoon, 2:00 pm at Fullerton Campus in room B200. These servant leaders appreciate your continuing prayer support and partnership.
5. An ordination service for Adam Tai, Fullerton Mandarin Minister, will be held on Sunday, Oct. 9, 2:30 pm at Fullerton Campus. All are invited to celebrate God’s faithfulness and goodness to us.
6. Mr. Park Chu Yee, father of Tina (& Edwin) Leung, long-time FECC missionaries, passed away on Sept. 7. He was 87. Visitation hours are Friday (9/23) 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Funeral service will be held on Sept. 24 in Memorial Chapel, Rose Hills Memorial Park, at 9:00 am. May God comfort the family.
2. Because of his family needs, Ken Chang has resigned from the Board of Directors as of 9/1/16. Terry Lim has been elected to fill in the vacated chair position till the end of the year.
3. Please remember the Cantonese pastoral search committee as it continues to find a suitable shepherd for the Cantonese congregation. If you have any suggestions, contact committee chair, Kei-fung Lau at [email protected].
4. Board of Deacons will be holding a joint meeting this afternoon, 2:00 pm at Fullerton Campus in room B200. These servant leaders appreciate your continuing prayer support and partnership.
5. An ordination service for Adam Tai, Fullerton Mandarin Minister, will be held on Sunday, Oct. 9, 2:30 pm at Fullerton Campus. All are invited to celebrate God’s faithfulness and goodness to us.
6. Mr. Park Chu Yee, father of Tina (& Edwin) Leung, long-time FECC missionaries, passed away on Sept. 7. He was 87. Visitation hours are Friday (9/23) 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Funeral service will be held on Sept. 24 in Memorial Chapel, Rose Hills Memorial Park, at 9:00 am. May God comfort the family.
1. 「2016聯合宣教年會」即將在十月舉行,主題: 領受聖靈能力:在近鄰和遠方作主見證。英語青少年於9/30(週五)晚7:30及10/2 (主日) 上午11:30 講員Jason Kerner在蒙愛喜瑞都堂主講,其他聯會會員教會同步直播。中、英、粵語成人於10/7-9舉行,詳情請參閱夾頁。
2. 蒙愛羅省基督教會為戴元涔傳道行按牧典禮於10月9日下午2:30 在福樂敦堂大堂舉行,歡迎眾弟兄姊妹參加,同頌主恩。
3. FECC董事會主席張健偉弟兄因家庭的需要辭去董事一職,林李蘭芳姊妹當選,自9/1起接替主席至今年年底。
4. 喜瑞都「粵語堂牧師聘牧委員會」訂定候選人資格及尋求合適人選。請代禱求神引領,若有建議請聯絡委員會主席劉奇峰弟兄[email protected]。
5. 本月執事會議為合併舉行定於今天下午2:00福樂敦堂B200交誼廳,請執事們預留時間參加,亦請弟兄姊妹以禱告托住執事們的服事。
6. FECC宣教士梁永盛、余秀坤夫婦返美奔喪,求神保守看顧及安慰。余秀坤姊妹的父親余柏超於9/7安息主懷,享年87歲。追思禮拜9/24 上午9時於Rose Hills, Memorial Park, Memorial Chapel 舉行。
2. 蒙愛羅省基督教會為戴元涔傳道行按牧典禮於10月9日下午2:30 在福樂敦堂大堂舉行,歡迎眾弟兄姊妹參加,同頌主恩。
3. FECC董事會主席張健偉弟兄因家庭的需要辭去董事一職,林李蘭芳姊妹當選,自9/1起接替主席至今年年底。
4. 喜瑞都「粵語堂牧師聘牧委員會」訂定候選人資格及尋求合適人選。請代禱求神引領,若有建議請聯絡委員會主席劉奇峰弟兄[email protected]。
5. 本月執事會議為合併舉行定於今天下午2:00福樂敦堂B200交誼廳,請執事們預留時間參加,亦請弟兄姊妹以禱告托住執事們的服事。
6. FECC宣教士梁永盛、余秀坤夫婦返美奔喪,求神保守看顧及安慰。余秀坤姊妹的父親余柏超於9/7安息主懷,享年87歲。追思禮拜9/24 上午9時於Rose Hills, Memorial Park, Memorial Chapel 舉行。
English News
September 18, 2016
1. We warmly welcome all guests and visitors to our midst. We invite you to join us for lunch today and experience this church as your spiritual home.
- 歡迎第一次來到我們當中的新朋友,盼望你能留下來,與我們共進午餐。也希望這裡能成為你屬靈的家。